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“Home to Home and Family to Family”


At I AM HOME, we are a team of designers, artists, and creatives that love to create amazingly beautiful home décor items, kitchenware, artwork, and even gadgets you can proudly place in your home or give as a gift to family and friends.


As a family business that was started in South Korea over 30 years ago, we take pride in everything we do, and our mission is to provide high-quality products you can trust, love, and cherish for years to come.  We take special precaution to ensure our products are environmentally friendly, safe for your health and manufactured responsibly. 


We look forward to being your trusted lifestyle store for years to come, and hope you’ll visit us often!

Quotes from Our CEO: Ms. Heo Jin-ah


"My father devoted his entire life in running a blanket factory, and I have a huge desire to follow in his footsteps and make quality fabrics for everyone. I loved learning from my dad at a young age and seeing how my father’s work was so appreciated by nearly every customer.  This became my goal and led me to this project”.


“As makers, our choices of materials, production methods, packaging, quantities, transport, and even partnerships are becoming international. Our work is guaranteed with well-made, fully functional, and sophisticated design.


“The more solutions we find, the more we readjust. This is the big pleasure for us as makers.”